• +91-8149340004
  • mmsclc@gmail.com, contact@sclc.edu.in

Marathwada Mitra Mandal's

Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune

उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि | Accomplishments are made by efforts

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Approved by Bar Council of India, Recognised by Government of Maharashtra &
Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council of India (NAAC)

MMM Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune has Zero Tolerance Policy towards sexual harassment in the college. With this purpose, Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted in the College, Pune as per S.4 of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and Sub regulation (1) of Regulation 4 of UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015.

Objectives of the committee:

The objectives of the Internal Complaint Committee to Prevent Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace are as follows:

  • To comply with the provisions of the Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harrasment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015.
  • To develop a policy against sexual harassment of women at the Institute.
  • To evolve a permanent mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender- based violence at the Institute.
  • To ensure the implementation of the policy in letter and spirit through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.
  • To uphold the commitment of the Institute to provide an environment free of gender-based discrimination.
  • To create a secure physical and social environment to deter any act of sexual harassment.
  • To promote a social and psychological environment to raise awareness on sexual harassment in its various forms.
  • To conduct enquiries into complaints of sexual harassment and to provide redress for the same.
  • To create an environment conducive for the protection of women from sexual harassment at workplace.
  • To undertake and promote various initiatives intended toward gender sensitization, gender equality and upholding dignity of women.
  • To provide assistance if an employee or a student chooses to file a complaint with the police.
  • To provide mechanism of dispute redressal and dialogue to anticipate and address issues through just and fair conciliation without undermining complainant’s rights and minimize the need for purely punitive approaches that lead to further resentment, alienation or violence.

What is Sexual Harassment?

“An unwanted conduct with sexual undertones if it occurs or which is persistent and which demeans, humiliates or creates a hostile and intimidating environment or is calculated to induce submission by actual or threatened adverse consequences and includes any one or more or all of the following unwelcome acts or behaviour (whether directly or by implication), namely;-

  • any unwelcome physical, verbal or non verbal conduct of sexual nature;
  • demand or request for sexual favours;
  • making sexually coloured remarks
  • physical contact and advances;
  • showing pornography
  • any one (or more than one or all) of the following circumstances, if it occurs or is present in relation or connected with any behaviour that has explicit or implicit sexual undertones-

    • implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment as quid pro quo for sexual favours;
    • implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in the conduct of work;
    • implied or explicit threat about the present or future status of the person concerned;
    • creating an intimidating offensive or hostile learning environment;
    • humiliating treatment likely to affect the health, safety dignity or physical integrity of the person concerned;
    • How to file a Complaint:

      • Any aggrieved girl student or woman employee may make a complaint of sexual harassment at workplace in writing, to the Internal Committee within a period of three months from the date of incident and in case of a series of incidents, within a period of three months from the date of last incident.
      • If any aggrieved girl student or woman employee is not able to file a complaint in person, then can file a complaint through mail mmsclc@gmail.com
      • An aggrieved student or employee can also contact any member of the committee if it is not possible for her to file a complaint in writing.
      • In case of emergency, an aggrieved student or employee can contact:
        • Dr. Revati Naik- 9881712873
        • Composition of Internal Complaints Committee (AY 2024-25 to 2026-27)

          Sr. No. Name of the Member Designation Contact Details
          1. Mrs. Krishna Badade Presiding Officer kbadade@sclc.edu.in
          2. Dr. Revati Naik Member(Teaching) 9881712873
          3. Dr. Ashwini Ingole Member(Teaching) 9423508945
          4. Mrs. Seema Khadke Member(Non-Teaching) seemakhadke@rediffmail.com
          5. Mrs. Pallavi Pawar Member (Non-Teaching) pawar.pallavi37@gmail.com
          6. Mrs. Rama Sarode Member (NGO) ramasarode@gmail.com
          7. Ms. Komal Kachare Member (Student) komal.ska9@gmail.com
          8. Ms. Prachi Singh Member (Student) prachi.singh9451@gmail.com
          9. Ms. Kaustubh Mahajan Member (Student) kaustubhmah2005@gmail.com


          In case of need, the Presiding Officer may invite External Subject Expert to deal with the matter.

          Contact Details:

          Ms. Krushna Badade - 9403776852

          Dr. Revati Naik - 9881712873

          Email Id: mmsclc@gmail.com

          The Sexual Harassment Of Women At Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition And Redressal) Act, 2013