• +91-8149340004
  • mmsclc@gmail.com, contact@sclc.edu.in

Marathwada Mitra Mandal's

Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune

उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि | Accomplishments are made by efforts

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Approved by Bar Council of India, Recognised by Government of Maharashtra &
Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council of India (NAAC)

MMMSCLC is committed to impart quality legal education to the students. To explore and motivate students in the learning process, it is inevitable to create educational atmosphere in the college. Our vision is to motive the students to bring out their creative potential and nurture the spirit of critical thinking. To achieve these objectives, Disciplinary Committee is constituted.


The basic objective behind the constitution of Discipline Committee is:

  • To maintain discipline in the college.
  • To promote better and healthy practices for promotion of disciplines in the college.
  • To inspire students to encourage brotherhood among the students.
  • To create awareness about the significance of discipline in the college.
  • To conduct enquiries in case of misbehaviour or indiscipline and to proceed required action to maintain discipline in the college.
  • The role and duty of the committee is to ensure observance of disciplinary rules by the students in the college to fulfil the educational objectives.

    Composition: (A.Y. 2024-25)

    Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Contact Details
    1. Dr. Pradip Tambe Chairman ptambe@sclc.edu.in
    2. Dr. Bhagwan Gawali Member bhagwangawali@gmail.com
    3. Dr. Gajendra Dhamal Member gajendradhamal@yahoo.co.in
    4. Dr. Revati Naik Member revatinaik99@gmail.com

    Contact Details:

    Dr. Pradip Tambe - 9763642978

    Email Id: ptambe@sclc.edu.in