Dr. Pradip Tambe
B.A., LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D. (Law)
Assistant Professor (Law)
PhD Thesis: “An Assessment of Legal and Ethical Issues Involved in Human Clinical Trials and its Impact on Human Rights: A Study”
Area of Interest: Business Law & Science-Technology Law, Health Law
Contact: ptambe@sclc.edu.in
- Chapter in Edited Book: Tambe P.D., (2012), Impediments in realisation of gender justice: Need for social reform through Uniform Civil Code in Islamic Law, Muslims Laws in India-Contemporary Issues and Challenges, 259-282
- Journal: Tambe P.D.(2017 April-June), Doctor’s Trial (Nuremberg Code), An overview International Research Journal of Socio-Legal Studies, Vol. 2 Issue 2, ISSN 2455-0019/IRJSLS 2(2) 2017.
- Presented and published paper on ‘Ethical Guidelines governing Human subject in Clinical trials at International Level: A study’ in the seminar organized by New Law College, Ahmednagar.
- Presented and published the paper titled ‘Legal framework of inter country child adoption in India: Problems and Perspectives’ in 1st International Conference on Commerce, Management, Engineering, Technology and Social Sciences at Pune.
- Published the paper titled ‘Evaluation of Role and Performance of Teachers in Rural Colleges’ in the seminar organized by Shri Shivaji Law College, Parbhani, Maharashtra.
- Published the paper in the seminar on ‘Rights of mentally ill persons and legal safeguards: an analysis’ in the present scenario organized by Shri Shivaji Law College, Parbhani.
- Presented and Published the paper in the seminar titled ‘Article 21 of the Constitution and Human Rights with special reference to Rights of Laborers’ organized by A.K.K. New Law Academy, Pune.
- Published an article on ‘Application of the concepts of Authority and Consent in the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 1994: An analytical Study’ in Indian Journal of Socio Legal Studies An International Bi-Annual Referred Journal with ISSN 2320-8562
- Presented research paper on ‘Legal Challenges in Participation of Child in Clinical Trial: An Analytical Study’ in the International Conference on ‘Rights of Child vis-à-vis Law, Policy and Access to Justice’ organized by the MMM’s Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune in collaboration with Lex Aquila, Mauritius under the Aegis of The Maharashtra State Commission for Protection of Child Rights’.
- Presented a research paper on ‘Access to healthcare systems in India: A Critical Study’ in the International Virtual Conference on Law and Ethics Ad Meliora 3 organized by the Christ Academy, Institute of Law, Bengaluru.
- Presented research paper on ‘A Critical Study on the Legal Framework of Plea Bargaining in India as a Mechanism for Administration of Criminal Justice’ in the Three Day International Conference on ‘Criminal Justice System in South Asia: Legal Framework, Contemporary Issues and A Way Forward’ organized by MMM’ SCLC’s Center for Criminal Justice Administration (CCJA) In collaboration with Nepal Law Campus, Faculty of Law, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
FDP on 'Seven Day National Online 'FDP' on 'Changing Trends in Legal Education in India' organzied by Amity Law School, Kolkata
- One Week Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon Refresher Course for Law Teachers titled as “March of Law: Legal, Policy and Institutional Challenges to Urban Governance in India: Towards Making our cities more sustainable and liveable” organized by National Law School of India University, Bengalure
‘Faculty Development Programme on Teaching Pedagogy in Legal Education: Contemporary Era’ | MMM’s Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune | 4th to 13th February, 2020 |
‘Faculty Development Programme & ICT Training’ | Bharati Vidyapeeth’s New Law College, Pune | 8th & 9th January, 2020 |
‘Special Guest Lecture Series on Quality Academic Research under Faculty Development Programme’ | MMM’ s College of Commerce, Pune | 23rd November,2019 |
‘Intellectual Property Rights: Issues, challenges and new trends” | MMM’ s College of Commerce, Pune | 27th February, 2018. |
‘Train the trainer: Programme to develop basis facilitation skills’ | MMM’s Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune | 17th & 18th Nov. 2016. |
“Art of Self-Development through Heartfulness mediation” | MMM’ s College of Commerce, Pune | 20th Jan. 2016 |
Gender Justice under Legal System | A.K.K. New Law Academy, Pune | 08/04/2014 to 14/04/2014 |
‘New Dimensions of Intellectual Property Law’ | MMM’s Shankarrao Chavan Law College,Pune | 17th August, 2014. |
Corporate Laws | D.E.S.Law College, Pune | 21st Oct.,2011 |
‘Research Methodology’ | MMM’SCLC,Pune | 20th June,2015 |
‘Women and Law’ | MMM’SCLC,Pune | 5th & 6th Sept. 2013 |
‘International Legal Trends & its impact on Indian Laws’ | MMM’SCLC,Pune | 20th Nov.,2012 |
Delivered lecture in the FDP organized by WOXEN UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD
Sinhgad Law College, Pune | Resource Person in the one day workshop on ‘Revised Methodology of Accreditation by NAAC’ | 24th January, 2019 |
Dr. D.Y. Patil Law College, Pimpri | Resource Person for Special Winter School, by UGC | 08/10/2016 & Dr. D.Y. Patil Law College, Pimpri |
Name of the Institute | Course | Subject |
St. Mira’s College for Girls, Koregaon Road, Pune | BBA-BCA | Business Law and Labour Law |
1. | Dr. D.Y. Patil Law College, Pimpri | 15/02/2017 |
2. | Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Parvati, Pune | 18th March, 2017 |
3. | Balaji Law College, Pune | 07 Oct, 2013 |