Dr. Sudhir Tarote
B. Sc., LL.B., LLM, UGC - NET, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor (Law)
PhD Thesis Title: "Law Relating to International Commercial Arbitration in India: A Comparative Study"
Area of Interest:Constitutional Law, Law of Crimes, ADR,
Administrative Law
Contact: sudhirtarote@gmail.com
12 Years
- A Book ‘Mediation in India Past, Present and Future’ co-authored with Dr. Sourabh Ubale, Publisher: Transforming Mediation LLC, Georgia, USA and MM SCLC, Pune, , May 2022, ISBN: 9789356270947.
- Protection of Women under Domestic Violence Act, 2005 - Panacea or Riddle?, Vidhi Bharati, Year 02, Issue 02 (2014), New Law College, Bharati Vidyapith, Satara, ISSN: 2321-6271.
- ADR and Arbitration Law in India: An overview, Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Volume – X, Issue – 5, Pg. 53-58.
- Impact of Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015 on ICA in India, Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Volume – X, Issue – 7, Pg. 53-58.
- Arbitration: An Effective Way To Resolve Commercial Disputes, Our Heritage Journal, Vol. 68 No. 36 (2020), ISSN: 0474-9030.
- Power of court to grant Interim Measures of Protection under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996: Amendment 2015 – A missed out chance to keep Parties on the track of Arbitration, Fiat Justitia, Volume – No. VI, April, 2018.
- Farm Reform Legislations 2020: Explained, An edited book, Colombo University (Sri Lanka), SPPU (Faculty Development Centre) and MM SCLC, Pune, (ISBN: 9789354459153).
- The digital Future of Commercial Contracts in a India: A Legal Analysis, Co- authored with Dr. Ashwinin Ingole, MMM SCLC Law Review, Vol. 2, Issue 1, January 2023 (ISSN 2583-6870).
- Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response in India: Exploring the Role of POCSO Act, International Research Journal of Commerce and Law, Vol. 11. Issue 02, February 2023, (ISSN: 2349 – 705X).
- Enhancing the Prominence of Institutional Arbitration and Bolstering its Enforcement Mechanisms in the Indian Context, International Research Journal of Socio-Legal Studies, Vol. 8, Issue 2, June 2023, (ISSN 2455 0019).
- E-Commerce Disputes In India: Prospects And Challenges For Adr Implementation, Chapter in Edited book – E-Commerce in India – A Legal Analysis, ABS Books and Publication, 2023.
- ‘Failure of PCPNDT Act’, National Seminar on ‘The Female Foeticide and Law’, 25-26 February, 2012, PDEA’s Law College, Kharadi, Pune.
- ‘Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in India’. National Seminar on ‘Arbitration and ADR in India: Issues and Challenges’, 24-25 March,2012, HNLU, Raipur, Chhattisgarh..
- ‘Critical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Consumer Complaint Redressal Agencies under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986’ co-authored with Mr. Sukdeo Ingale, National Seminar on Globalization, Market and Consumer Protection, 23-24 November, 2013, AURO University, Surat, Gujrat.
- ‘Sustainable Development through corporate Social responsibility’, International Seminar on Ethics and CSR: Emerging Issues and Challenges’, co-authored with Mr. Sukdeo Ingale, 8th March 2014, Indo Global Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture with Institute of Management, Pune.
- ‘Arbitration: An Effective Way To Resolve Commercial Disputes’, International Conference on Global Economic Slowdowns: India’s Preparedness to Meet the Emerging Challenges, 14th and 15th February 2020, M. C. E. Society’s Abeda Inamdar Senior College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Camp, Pune.
- ‘Ten Years of POCSO-Revisiting Child Abuse Law in India’, International Conference on Rights of Child vis-à-vis Law, Policy and Access to Justice, 19-20 December 2022, MM SCLC and LEX AQUILA, Mauritius.
- ‘The Expanding Horizons of Freedoms: A Jurisprudential Exploration’, International Conference on Evolving Jurisprudence of Freedom as A Right in the Modern Era, 9th and 10th August, 2023, SILT, Kottayam, Kerala.
- ‘Greening the Legal Landscape: Environmental Protection Frameworks in India’, Co-authored with Dr. Ashwini Ingole, International Law and Management Research Conference on Business Environment , Governance and Sustainability, Ethical Practices and Compliances in the Dynamic Global Markets, 1st and 2nd September, 2023, University of Mumbai Law Academy.
- ‘Consumer Dispute Redressal : Emergence of Mediation and Arbitrability Conundrum’, National Seminar on ‘Consumer Protection in Globalized World: National and International Perspective’, 9th September, 2023, MM SCLC, Pune.
- National seminar on Emerging Trends in Consumerism in India, 27-28 August, 2011, MP Law College, Aurangabad and CCS, New Delhi.
- Saksham IT-Champion Training Program, 11-20 November, 2013 Microsoft and SP Pune University.
- Seminar on Patent, Trade Mark & Design, 08 October, 2011, Intellectual Property Office, Mumbai with GMCC.
- Seminar on Legal Research Methodology – Theory and Practice, 25 February, 2014. PES’s Modern Law College, Pune.
- Seminar on International Arbitration Law, 28-29 March, 2014, GNLU, Gujarat.
- Online National Workshop for NSS Program Officers and Students Development Officers on Managing Stress and Sustaining Well Being of the Students and Society During and After Pandemic Period, 1st July to 3rd July 2020, KRJ Arts, Commerce and Science College, Nashik.
- One Day Workshop on Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) - Academic Performance Indicators (API) For Teachers, 23 July 2020, IQAC & Library, Bharatiya Mahavidyalaya, Amravati.
- National Webinar on Current Trends in Research and Innovation, Research Projects and Fund Raising, 27-31 August, 2021, CETE, Government of Telangana and Institute for Academic Excellence, Hyderabad.
- Three Day National Workshop on ‘Interdisciplinary Research Approaches and Methodology’ 22-24 October, 2021, MM SCLC and GNLU, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
- Two Day National Symposium on ‘Law and Music’, 17-18 Jan., 2022 MM SCLC, Pune with LAlitjKala Kendra, SPPU, Pune.
- National IP Awareness/Training Programm. 16 March, 2022, IPO India and NIPAM, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India.
- One Day National Seminar on Legal Dimensions of Public Helth During Pandemic. 13th April, 2022. MM SCLC, Pune.
- Webinar On Mediation: A Peek Into The Post Covid-19 Scenario, 02nd September, 2022. RGNLU, Punjab And ICADR, New Delhi.
- One Day National Seminar on Public Health Care System in India: Issues and Challenges. 17th September, 2022. Centre for Public Health Laws of MM SCLC, Pune.
- Seven Days FDP on Fundamentals of Legal Research Methodology and its changing contours in Contemporary Era. 16th to 22nd October, 2022. MM SCLC, Pune.
- One Day National Seminar on ‘Understanding of Consumer Protection Act, 2019’ 24th November, 2022. SCLC in association with Navjeevan Law College, Nashik and Consumer Advocacy Group, Hyderabad.
- FDP – 4
- Orientation Course - 1
- Refresher Course – 2
- Invited as a Resource Person to speak on ‘Digital Technology and Indian Scripts’ in ‘Two Days Seminar on Indian Languages and Role of Media’ by Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India. (9th March, 2023).
- Invited as an Expert by Ministry of Education, Government of India, for meeting for promotion of Marathi Language in Legal Education (03rd December, 2022).
- Invited as a Resource Person by MNLU, Aurangabad for ‘Regional Conclave on Pro-bono Legal Aid and Services and Contribution of Law Schools and Colleges’ (23rd December, 2022).
- Appointed as an Expert in Committee for Verification of Admissions (BALLB and LLB) by Director of Higher Education, Government of Maharashtra (07th December, 2022).
- Invited as an expert to deliver a lecture on ‘The Law of Arbitration in India’ by Law College of Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune. (19th October. 2022).
- Invited as a Judge in the competition of ‘Mediation – Negotiation’ under Fete de la Nomos 2022 by School of Law, Christ (Deemed to be University, Lavasa, Pune Campus. (14th May 2022).
- Invited as an expert to judge a competition of Bill Analysis (The Mediation Bill 2021) by ILS law college, Pune. (13th December, 2022).
- Invited as an expert to judge intra-collegiate Conciliation competition conducted by ILS law college, Pune.
- Invited as an expert to deliver a series of revision lectures on ADR for Post- Graduation (LLM) students in MIT law college, Pune.
- Delivered a lecture on ‘Opportunities after Graduation in Law’ in the NSS winter camp conducted by PES Modern Law College, Pune.
- Guest to inaugurate ‘Constitutional Law Cell’ in Sinhgad Law College, Pune.
- Invited as an expert in Sinhgad Law College, Pune for an interaction session with students on ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods’. (27th May, 2021).
- Invited as an expert in AKK New Law College, Pune for an interaction session with students on ‘Enforcement of foreign arbitral award in India’. (31st May, 2021).
- Invited as an expert to deliver a lecture on ‘Recent Developments in Indian Arbitration Law’ by Law College of Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune. (09th October. 2021).
- Invited as an expert to deliver a lecture on ‘Mediation: An Effective Mechanism to Resolve Disputes’ by Balaji Law College, Pune. (15th May, 2023).
- Saksham IT-Champion Training Program, by Microsoft and SP Pune University, 11-20 November, 2013.
- Refresher Course in Law and Social Science, by SP Pune University and ILS Law College, Pune, 17 September to 07 October 2014.
- Faculty Development Program, by Bapat Academy, 22 December 2014 to January, 2015.
- Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology and Data Analysis, by SP Pune University and AKK New Law Academy, 16 – 23 January, 2015.
- Orientation Programme, by UGC-HRDC, SP Pune University, 22nd July to 11th August, 2019.
- Faculty Development Program on ‘Managing Online Classes and Co-creating MOOCS’, by ujan College, New Delhi, 20th April to 06th May, 2020.
- National Online Faculty Development Program on ICT Tools for Effective Teaching Learning, by School of Mathematical Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada Univerisy, Nanded, 11-16 May, 2020.
- One day FDP on ‘Micro Teahing and Teaching Pedagogy’, by IQAC, MM Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune, 20th September, 2021.
- Invited to judge intra-collegiate conciliation competition conducted by ILS law college, Pune.
- Invited as an expert to deliver a series of revision lectures on ADR for Post-Graduation (LLM) students in MIT law college, Pune.
- Delivered a lecture on ‘Opportunities after Graduation in Law’ in the NSS winter camp conducted by PES Modern Law College, Pune.
- Guest to inaugurate ‘Constitutional Law Cell’ in Sinhgad Law College, Pune.
- Invited as an expert in AKK New Law College, Pune for an interaction session with students on ‘Enforcement of foreign arbitral award in India’.
- Invited as an expert in Sinhgad Law College, Pune for an interaction session with students on ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods’.
- Editor, Law journal, ‘Fiat Jusitia’, Volume No. 3, April 2015.
- Assistant Panel Judge, National Lok-Adalat conducted by Pune District Legal Services Authority, Pune on 1st August, 2021.
- Member of various Local Inquiry Committees appointed by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
- Head of the Department of group of subjects of Constitutional Law (2017 to 2021).
- Paper setter and assessor for different subjects of undergraduate course.
- Internal and External Senior Supervisor for University Examinations.
- Program officer – National Service Scheme (2019-20).