• +91-8149340004
  • mmsclc@gmail.com, contact@sclc.edu.in

Marathwada Mitra Mandal's

Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune

उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि | Accomplishments are made by efforts

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Approved by Bar Council of India, Recognised by Government of Maharashtra &
Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council of India (NAAC)



MMM's Shankarrao Chavan Law College has always given importance to the concern for Human Rights which is deeply rooted in the Indian Constitutional System. The college has imparting Human Rights education to our students to promote dignity, tolerance and peace. For living a dignified Human life, human rights are essential. With this noble thought SCLC has constituted a Cell for Human Right and every year college celebrates Human Rights Week commencing from 10th December the day which is celebrated as World International Human Rights Day. During entire week college organizes various lectures, documentaries on human rights issues, visit to NGO’s, awareness programme. The object behind establishing Cell for Human Rights Activities (CHRA) is to develop social advocacy skills in students. It has been initiated as an activity based cell which shall be conducting and facilitating research and activities relating to the convergence of legal and social fields. It is an initiative of an informal group of students who are interested in promoting Human Rights amongst one and all. This cell was inaugurated at the auspicious hands of Late Shri. Ram Jethamalani, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India on 15th December 2012.


  • To educate and create awareness about Human Rights amongst the students
  • To study and examine the cases of Human Rights violation in the campus and city
  • To train the interested group to felicitate intervention and actions
  • To create a network with other organizations for the working in the spirit of solidarity
  • To adopt a process of documentation of different cases of Human Rights violations so that they can come as a reference material of some other cases in future


  • The committee works towards fulfilment of the above mentioned objectives by organising various activities throughout the Academic Year.


Sr. No. Name of the Member Designation
i. Dr. Kranti Deshmukh Chairperson
ii. Dr. Bhagwan Gawali Coordinator
iii. Asst. Prof. Revati Naik Member
iv. Asst. Prof. Krushna Badade Member
