Marathwada Mitra Mandal, an emerging power in education, has made rapid strides, making all their institutions as one amongst all premier institutions in India. With the Mission ‘Quality education for Masses’, MMM has started Shankarrao Chavan Law College in the year 2003. As MMM’s SCLC aims to emerge as an Institution of Legal Education with student centered outcome which emphasizes the pursuit of excellence in legal fundamentals and preparation for professional practice, We, as an institution also wish to cross barriers of traditional teaching-learning methodology and want to give maximum exposure which is required for the students.
अनभ्यासे विषं शास्त्रमजीर्णे भोजनं विषम् ||
The best food doesn’t help the body in the problem of indigestion and works as poison, the absence of sustained exercise of skills and subjects also does the same thing to a professional. And thus as a premier institution, we shall imbibe the culture of sustained exercise of skills through activities of Research in Law and Publication of such research and with the technology of 21 st Century, we shall also focus on development of electronic content.
CARPEL which is the abbreviation of our Centre is also an English word for the reproductive part of flower. Thus it symbolizes Productivity & Fertility. It shows the origin for innovations and birthing new ideas. And thus taking the inspiration from the same establishment of CARPEL is to endeavor new frontiers of knowledge by way of inculcating the skills of deep inquiry, scientific investigation, fact and solution finding mechanism with various experiments. Activities through CARPEL will help in improving and discovering new challenges to our knowledge and to overcome all such contemporary challenges with futuristic approach.
Centre's Motto and Objectives
“विद्या वितर्को विज्ञानं स्मृतिः तत्परता क्रिया । यस्यैते षड्गुणास्तस्य नासाध्यमतिवर्तते ||” (Education, Logic, Science, Memory, Initiation and Work, a person who has all six virtues, nothing is unachievable for him.)
- Inculcate research skills and culture in students, faculties and the masses too.
- Develop the research strengths in Law through facilitating intra, cross, multi, inter and Trans disciplinary research excellence.
- Encourage to carry out research by providing and enabling research environment and infrastructure.
- To establish research partnerships with Government, Industry and other Universities and institutions.
- Research and Innovation-friendly society aimed at long-term development.
Working Of Centre
The Principal as an apex authority and the Academic Research Coordinator (ARC) as a sub- ordinate authority will coordinate the functioning of the Centre. The Centre will be having student members selected through a selection process which will comprise of a write up on any legal issue followed by personal interview.
Members of Centre
Centre Coordinator: Asst. Prof. Sourabh Ubale (Academic ResearchCoordinator)
Activities of the Centre
Activities are divided in three parts as per the nomenclature of the Centre
A. Research Wing
- Training to students and faculties regarding research and research skills through Guest lectures, seminars, workshops, etc.
- Research Projects in association with University, Government or Governmental Bodies, NGOs, Commissions, Foreign Institutions, etc.
- Participation in Research Competitions, publication of research papers, Legislative Drafting, PPT Presentation competition, etc.
- Proposing and preparing drafts for Amendments, Bill Analysis, Policies, etc.
- Research activities, seminars and workshops through Collaboration with other institutes in the world.
- Providing facilitation to the institutions in rural area to conduct such activities.
B. Publication Wing
- Publishing Revised version of Seminar Proceedings held in 2015 in the form of book with ISBN no.
- Continuation of ‘SCLC Journal of Contemporary Issues’, Making it yearly and converting the same into Students’ Publication Journal with Student Editorial Board. Probably after a year or two, applying for ISSN No.
- Starting ‘SCLC Law Review’ as a Double Peer Review Law Journal yearly with ISSN no. qualifying all the criteria of UGC listed Journal with International Standard and with editorial members from reputed foreign Universities or Institutions.
- Publication of Edited Book on Jurisprudence with the contribution of all chapters from all the faculties of MMM’s SCLC. With ISBN no.
- Making Compilation of Study material for specific subjects in context with the syllabus of the University to act it as a ready reference for the said subject with the title ‘MMM’s SCLC Compilation’
C. E-Content Development Wing
- Converting all publications to electronic form with e-ISSN
- Making repository of all research work contributed by students and by the faculties and publishing it on college portal with download link to cite it for user’s reference
- Developing electronic content in law in the form of Audio, Visual, Audio-visual, Video Lectures, electronic readable content, etc.Developing electronic content in law in the form of Audio, Visual, Audio-visual, Video Lectures, electronic readable content, etc.
Contact Details
Email Details
- SCLC Law Review :
- SCLC Journal of Contemporary Issues (Student Edition) :
Academic Research & CARPEL Coordinator Asst. Prof. Sourabh Ubale