Dr. Nalini Ambad
Assistant Professor (Law)
PhD Thesis Title: Inter Country Adoption : Law and Practice in India for Protection of Child Rights
Area of Interest/Research: International Law, International Economic Law, Consumer law, Legal Research Methodology, Private International Law
Contact: nalinivambad@gmail.com
15 years
- Published an Article on “Human Rights Issues and Inter-Country Adoptions: A Critical Analysis” in conference proceedings in May 2022, ARSSS International Conference, Pune, India ISBN: 978-93-90150-31-1 Edn.: 425
- Published an Article in peer reviewed Journal ‘SWAYAMPRAKASH’ Luminescence, ISSN :2249-9016, published by Gokhale Education Society on the Topic “Adoption Laws in India and Uniform Civil Code: A Critical Analysis in June 2022
- Published an Article in Journal “Fiat Justitia” ISSN no 2320-2696 on the topic ‘Best Interest of the Child and Inter country adoption in India’ in April 2017.
- published an Article on the topic “Legislative Safeguards relating to Inter-countryAdoptions in India- A Critical Analysis” in Legfin Multidisciplinary Research Journal having ISSN: 2394-9562
- Published a co-authored Article on ‘Digital Forensic Evidence: Legislative and Judicial Policies Developed in UK,USA and India’, in conference proceedings on Preventive Measures to avoid the Cyber Crimes with ISBN:978-93-83414-51-2 organized by P.G. Department of MCA New Arts Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar
- Presented a paper on “Inter Country Adoptions & Child Trafficking” in two days International Seminar Women Children and Law: Concerns, Challenges and Futures” organized by National Law School Shimla and law Mantra on 1st & 2nd September,2023.
- Presented a Research Paper on “Role of Judiciary in animal welfare with specific reference to treatment and handling of animals: a critical Analysis” in Two days Interdisciplinary International Conference on Human- Animal Conflict and Compensation organized by Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur on 9th--10th September 2023.
- Presented a Research Paper on “Right to Development of Child & Inter Country Adoption”, in the International Conference on Changing Contours of Human Rights and Social Security organized by the Research and Development Cell of Asian Law College, Noida on 29th April 2023.
- Presented a research paper on “Space law & Policy: Critical Study International Legal Regulation” in For Paper presentation in the 2nd National Conference on ""Changing Dimensions Of Law In The Era Of Digital Technology"", organized by the Law Society, Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University Centre, Malappuramon April 18, 2023.
- Published a co-authored Article on ‘Digital Forensic Evidence: Legislative and Judicial Policies Developed in UK,USA and India’, in conference proceedings on Preventive Measures to avoid the Cyber Crimes with ISBN:978-93-83414-51-2 organized by P.G. Department of MCA New Arts Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar
- Presented a research paper on “Human Rights Issues and Inter country Adoptions: A Critical Analysis” at the International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities held in Pune, on 11th May, 2022.
- Presented the research paper on the topic ‘Intricacies of Adoption Laws in India and Uniform Civil code’ at National seminar on ‘Analyzing Family Laws: A need of an evolving Society’ organized by MMM Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune on 7th March,2020
- Presented a paper in State level Seminar on “Right to Education Act 2009” organized by Pune District Education Associations Law College, Pune on 5th and 6th the March 2011.
- Attended and successfully completed 141st Orientation Program organized by Academic Staff College Savitirbai Phule Pune University during 3. 12.2012 to 30.12.2012.
- Participated in seven day state level Workshop on Legal Research Methodology organized by Department of Law Savitribai Phule Pune University during 8th October to 14th October 2012.
- Participated in 2 weeks Faculty Development Program on “Managing online Classes and Co- Creating MOOCS 3.0 ” , organized by Teaching Learning Center , Ramanuj College, University of Delhi between July 25th to 10 th August, 2020.
- Completed two weeks Faculty Development Program on “Blended Learning: Alternative Dimensions” organized by Ramanuj College, University of Delhi Between 12th January, 2021 to 29th January, 2021.
- Completed online Two weeks Interdisciplinary refreshers Course/ FDP on “Advanced Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques” organized by Ramanuj College, University of Delhi between 30th January to 14th February 2021.
- Participated in online Faculty Development Program on “Integrating Theory and Practice in Legal and Social Science Pedagogy.” Organized by DES Shri Navalmal Firodia Law college during 20th July to 29th July ,2020
- Participated in UGC Sponsored FDP on “Professional Ethics & Moral Values in Quality Education” organized by UGC HRDC Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan during 21/10/2021 to 26/10/2021.
- Participated in Online Faculty Development Program on “Pedagogy for Legal Fraternity” organized by Sheshadripuram Law College, Hubli , from 11th October to 13th October2021.
- Participated in Online Short Term Course on Constitutionalism, Law & Human Rights from 03-01-2022 to 08-01-2022 organized by UGC- HRDC, Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur, MP.
- Successfully Completed online Two-Week Refreshers Course on “Law in Contemporary Times” held from 27th January to 10th February,2022 with A Grade organized by Teaching Leraning center, Ramanuj College, University of Delhi.
- Successfully completed International Faculty Development Program on Law and Social Sciences held from 12th to 17th September 2022 Organized by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law in association with Kathmandu School of Law, Nepal.
- Contributed as a Resource person on the Topic ‘Concept and Definition of Consumer’ in One Day national Seminar on the Topic ‘Understanding of Consumer Protection Act,2019’ organized by MMM Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune in association with Navjeevan Law College, Nashik and Consumer Advocacy Group, Hyderabad on 24th November ,2022
- Delivered a Lecture on the Topic ‘Right to Equality’ in Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth’s Lokmanya Tilak law college on 20th October, 2022.
- Contributed as a resource person on the Topic ‘Rights of Women’ in one Day Training Program on Women Rights, organized by Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha’s Smt.Bakul Tambat Institute of Nursing Education in collaboration with National Human Rights Commission, on 20 th February,2023.
- Delivered Lectures on Constitutional Law on 25th February, 2015 at Modern Law College, Pune.
- Invited as resource person and delivered lectures on ‘ Origin and Development of International Law’ at Department of Law, Savitirbai Phule Pune University on 20th and 21st August,2018.
- Delivered Guest lecture on Parliamentary Privileges and Anti Defection Law at DES Shri naalmal Firodia law College, Pune on 18th may 2023. 7. Delivered Guest Lecture on Career perspectives for LL.M. Studentsat DES Shri Navalmal Frodia Law College , Pune on 8th Spet.2023